Descriptions I Thought It Was Just Me: Women Reclaiming Power and Courage in a Culture of Shame Download
An affirming, revealing examination of the painful effects of shame—with new, powerful strategies that promise to transform a woman’s abilitiy to love, parent, work, and build relationships. Shame manifests itself in many ways. Addiction, perfectionism, fear and blame are just a few of the outward signs that Dr. BrenĂ© Brown discovered in her 6-year study of shame’s effects on women. While shame is generally thought of as an emotion sequestered in the shadows of our psyches, I Thought .
Download your I Thought It Was Just Me: Women Reclaiming Power and Courage in a Culture of Shame book in PDF or ePUB format. You can read these on Mac or PC desktop computer, plus many other supperted devices. The free download for Windows or Mac OS take less than a minute to install over a broadband connection.
An affirming, revealing examination of the painful effects of shame—with new, powerful strategies that promise to transform a woman’s abilitiy to love, parent, work, and build relationships. Shame manifests itself in many ways. Addiction, perfectionism, fear and blame are just a few of the outward signs that Dr. BrenĂ© Brown discovered in her 6-year study of shame’s effects on women. While shame is generally thought of as an emotion sequestered in the shadows of our psyches, I Thought .